# GT-Chat 0.95+ Plugin #
# #
# Author: SoftCreatR Media <info@softcreatr.de> #
# License: ISC #
# #
# This plugin provides a simple integration of #
# GT-Chat 0.95+ into Woltlab Suite Core 3.0+. #
package GTChat::Plugins::ExternalLink::WoltLabSuite;
use strict;
use warnings;
use DBI;
my $wscSessionID = '';
my $wscInstallNumber = 0;
my $useWscProfile = 0;
my $dsn = '';
my $dbh;
my $userID = 0;
return bless({});
sub cleanUp {}
sub checkProfile {}
sub getEnvironment {
my ($self, $main, $environment) = @_;
my %info = {};
# Integration configuration & database connection
if (exists($main->{settings}{woltlab_suite_integration}{database})) {
my $dbHost = $main->{settings}{woltlab_suite_integration}{database}{host};
my $dbPort = $main->{settings}{woltlab_suite_integration}{database}{port};
my $dbName = $main->{settings}{woltlab_suite_integration}{database}{name};
my $dbUser = $main->{settings}{woltlab_suite_integration}{database}{user};
my $dbPass = $main->{settings}{woltlab_suite_integration}{database}{password};
$wscInstallNumber = $main->{settings}{woltlab_suite_integration}{database}{install_number};
$dsn = "DBI:mysql:database=${dbName};host=${dbHost};port=${dbPort};mysql_connect_timeout=3";
$dbh = DBI->connect($dsn, $dbUser, $dbPass) || die "Database connection not made: $DBI::errstr";
if (exists($main->{settings}{woltlab_suite_integration}{cookie_prefix}) && $main->{settings}{woltlab_suite_integration}{cookie_prefix} ne '') {
my $wscCookie = $main->{settings}{woltlab_suite_integration}{cookie_prefix} . 'cookieHash';
if (exists($main->{cookie}{$wscCookie}) && $main->{cookie}{$wscCookie} ne '') {
$wscSessionID = $main->{cookie}{$wscCookie};
} else {
} else {
if (exists($main->{settings}{woltlab_suite_integration}{use_wsc_profile})) {
$useWscProfile = $main->{settings}{woltlab_suite_integration}{use_wsc_profile};
} else {
if ($wscSessionID ne '') {
my $externalUser = getExternalLogin();
if (defined($externalUser)) {
unless ($environment->{has_uncrypted_password}) {
$environment->{name} = $externalUser->{name};
$environment->{is_username} = 1;
$environment->{has_password} = $self;
} else {
sub checkPassword {
return 1;
sub generateUser {
my ($self, $main, $user) = @_;
my $externalUser = getExternalUser();
if (defined($externalUser)) {
$externalUser->{password} = '';
$main->{runtime}{allow_registration} = 1;
return $main->loadUser($externalUser->{name});
else {
sub checkLogin {
my ($self, $main, $user, $room) = @_;
my $externalUser = getExternalUser();
if (defined($externalUser)) {
foreach my $key (keys %$externalUser) {
$user->{$key} = $externalUser->{$key};
foreach (keys %{$main->{settings}{default}}) {
$user->{$_} = $main->{settings}{default}{$_} unless exists($user->{$_});
$user->{registration} = $main->{runtime}{now} unless exists($user->{registration});
else {
sub getExternalLogin {
if ($wscSessionID ne '') {
my $user = {};
my $sth;
# Retrieve user ID from a given security token
$sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT userID FROM wcf${wscInstallNumber}_session WHERE sessionID = ?");
$userID = $dbh->selectrow_array($sth);
if ($userID > 0) {
$sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT username FROM wcf${wscInstallNumber}_user WHERE userID = ?");
$user->{name} = $dbh->selectrow_array($sth);
return $user;
return undef;
sub getExternalUser {
if ($userID > 0) {
my $user = {};
my $sth;
my ($main) = @_;
my @row;
# Retrieve basic user information
$sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT username, password, email FROM wcf${wscInstallNumber}_user WHERE userID = ? AND activationCode = 0 AND banned = 0");
while (@row = $sth->fetchrow_array) {
$user->{wscUserId} = $userID;
$user->{nick} = $row[0];
$user->{password} = crypt($row[1], $main->{settings}{pwseed});
$user->{email} = $row[2];
$sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT groupID FROM wcf${wscInstallNumber}_user_to_group WHERE userID = ?");
my $groupIDs = $sth->fetchall_arrayref();
# Chat / WSC user group mapping
# -1 / 2 = Guest
# 0 / 3 = User
# 10 / 4 = Chat master
if (4 ~~ $groupIDs) {
$user->{group} = 10;
$user->{tempgroup} = 10;
elsif (3 ~~ $groupIDs) {
$user->{group} = 0;
$user->{tempgroup} = 0;
if ($useWscProfile == 0 && $user->{group} >= 0) {
my ($birthdayFieldID, $genderFieldID, $homePageFieldID) = 0;
# Retrieve ID for birthday option field
$sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT optionID FROM wcf${wscInstallNumber}_user_option WHERE optionName = ?");
$birthdayFieldID = $dbh->selectrow_array($sth);
# Retrieve ID for gender option field
$sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT optionID FROM wcf${wscInstallNumber}_user_option WHERE optionName = ?");
$genderFieldID = $dbh->selectrow_array($sth);
# Retrieve ID for homepage option field
$sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT optionID FROM wcf${wscInstallNumber}_user_option WHERE optionName = ?");
$homePageFieldID = $dbh->selectrow_array($sth);
# Select option field values for the given user
$sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT userOption${birthdayFieldID}, userOption${genderFieldID}, userOption${homePageFieldID} FROM wcf${wscInstallNumber}_user_option_value WHERE userID = ?");
# Process option field values and assign them to the given user
while (@row = $sth->fetchrow_array) {
my $date = $row[0];
my ($year, $month, $day) = split /\-/, $date;
$user->{birth_date} = "${day}.${month}.${year}";
$user->{gender} = $row[1];
$user->{homepage} = $row[2];
($user->{homepagetitle} = $row[2]) =~ s/^https?:\/\///i;
return $user;
return undef;